Archive / Writing/Publishing

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Books available online

Robin Sees a Monster, Shirl the Squirrel Rises to New Heights, Tragedy on the Twenty, and Preserving Smithville books are available at Natural Abilities, 197 Griffin Street in Smithville. Robin Sees a Monster is available in hardcover, softcover, or Kindle from Ingram or Amazon. Shirl the Squirrel Rises to New Heights is available in hardcover, softcover, […]

Important dates for authors and bookstores

Here is Barbara Fanson’s list of special dates in 2016 to include in your promotions. Please note that three of them have not posted new dates for 2016, so get the news as we do. Follow our blog: SterlingEd Jan. 27                    Family Literacy Day Feb. 24                   World Read Aloud Day Mar. 2                     Read Across America Day, […]

Speed up promotions with a page of bios and summaries

Create a page of biographies about yourself in several different lengths. Sometimes, you’re required to submit a bio of 25 words or 50 words. Why not take your time and prepare several bios in advance?