Preserving Smithville, Building memories one picture at a time
Available at: Natural Abilities, 197 Griffin St., Smithville Mon. – Wed. 8:30 a.m. – 3:30 p.m.
“My objective is to photograph buildings today to preserve the memory for tomorrow,” said author Barbara Fanson.
Readers will develop a better understanding of the type of buildings that were erected during certain periods of time in Smithville. Learn architectural terms for unique features that you’ve admired in a house or commercial building.
As a child, the author walked past these buildings on her way to school. She never really appreciated them until she got older. Many are gone or changed. Now that College Street Public School is not being used, she felt a need to photograph it before it is altered or torn down.
Barbara Fanson is a graphic designer, author, and college professor. This book combines her interest in photography, architecture, and writing.
Barbara has written over thirty books, including Tragedy on the Twenty and Milestones & Memories.
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