How many errors can you spot?

This paragraph was written with several intentionel mistakes to see how many my word processor will spot and to test some free online programs.   Some times I type to fast and put three spaces after a period, that effects my layout. Lets’ see if Microsoft Word or Grammarly spot at least 7 errers.

A professional editor would spot 8 errors; how many did you spot?

Microsoft Word spotted 4 errors: 3 possible spelling mistakes and one grammar.

Here are the results when I pasted the paragraph into some free online programs:

  • spotted 3 spelling errors and 1 style error (was written) in the free version; the paid Premium version may have spotted more.
  • Ginger Software spotted 6 errors: intentionel, many, Some times, to fast, effects, errers.
  • spotted 3 errors.
  • spotted 3 errors.
  • spotted 3 errors.
  • spotted 3 errors.
  • spotted 4 spelling errors and 1 grammar error (was written)

A professional editor would spot 8 errors:

  • 2 spelling errors: intentionel, errers
  • 5 grammar errors: was written is passive voice, Some times should be Sometimes, effects should be affects, to fast should be too fast, Lets’ should be Let’s.
  • 1 Typographical error: 3 spaces after a period should be 1.

 Conclusion: We still can’t rely on software programs or apps to catch all mistakes; nothing tops a good editor.

How about you? Have you tried any online spell checkers?